Finding qualified and experienced employees can be a real challenge, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. The demand for skilled professionals is constantly rising, making it difficult to fill open positions quickly and within budget.

Fortunately, businesses are finding success by partnering with offshoring companies in the Philippines for functions such as accounting and customer support. By offshoring, a business gains access to a broader source of skilled talents at lower costs.

But how do you know if offshore staffing is the right move for you? Here are five signs that might be pointing you in that direction:

Sign #1: Difficulty Finding Local Talent

Skilled professionals are hard to find due to factors like skills gaps, high competition among employers, and labor market dynamics. Consequently, many businesses spend weeks and even months searching for qualified candidates.

Organizations can overcome this challenge by looking beyond their borders. The Philippines is home to a large pool of skilled professionals with specializations in various fields. Offshoring staff can solve the problem of competitive job offers from other employers without compromising on cost-effectiveness and quality of talent.

Sign #2: Expanding Business is Straining Your Team

Growth is always exciting, but it can also put a strain on your existing team. The influx of customers and changing demands eventually becomes overwhelming. As the workload increases, current employees may become stretched thin, impacting performance and profitability.

To accommodate your growing workforce needs, you can delegate non-core functions to offshore staff. Offshore teams in different time zones can help your business operate around the clock, ensuring continuous productivity and faster project turnaround times. Additionally, having offshore staff helps free up your onshore employees’ time to focus on your primary business activities.

Sign #3: Need for Cost-Effective Staffing Solutions

Unforeseen circumstances may lead a business to explore alternative staffing models. These could be from increased competition, challenges with scaling the workforce, or unexpected financial limitations.

Offshore staffing can be a viable solution in these scenarios. The cost of hiring skilled professionals in the Philippines is lower compared to Western countries. For example, an accountant in the US might command an annual salary of $90,000 or more. A similarly skilled accountant in the Philippines earns between $15,000 to $25,000 annually. Offshoring can result in significant potential cost savings for your company.

Sign #4: Desire for Increased Efficiency and Flexibility

Companies need to be efficient to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment. However, not all companies are flexible enough to juggle deadlines and workloads, especially during peak periods. This is where offshore staffing excels.

Offshoring allows a business to operate around the clock. By delegating tasks to your offshore team, your in-house staff can receive completed work by the next morning. This follow-the-sun work model can significantly improve your business’s productivity, efficiency, and responsiveness.

Sign #5: Growing Customer Base with Limited Support

As your customer base expands, so does the need for exceptional customer service. Keeping customers satisfied turns them into repeat buyers, and your best source of business referrals. This is only possible though if you fulfill their needs in a timely and sufficient manner.

The Philippines is a hub for skilled professionals who can ensure prompt and professional customer support. A larger support team means your business can respond to inquiries more efficiently, increasing your legion of satisfied customers.


Offshore staffing is a powerful tool for your business. All it takes is a clear understanding of your company’s needs, and a willingness to test it out. By leveraging the talent and cost benefits of the Philippines, you can free up your team, optimize your operations, and increase your profitability.

Feeling bottlenecked by your growing workload demands? Let Elite Virtual Employment Solutions (EVES) connect you with a global talent pool in the Philippines. Our expert team can guide you through every step of offshore staffing, from identifying top talent to ensuring smooth onboarding, all in compliance with local labor laws.

Visit EVES here to learn more about their services.