Have you found it difficult to fill crucial positions within your company? You’re not alone. Over 75% of employers across the globe struggle to fill job vacancies due to the increasing demand for specialized skills and the limited availability of qualified local candidates.

If you’re still facing this challenge, explore tapping into international labor markets by hiring employees through offshore staffing. With offshore staffing, you’ll have remote employees from overseas complete specific tasks under your company’s management. Common specialized roles for offshore staff include tech support, customer service, telecommunications, accounting, and marketing—fields where Filipinos are renowned for their proficiency.

Philippines as a Hub for Offshore Staffing

The Philippines is a thriving hub for offshore staffing. Since 2020, more than 52% of Filipinos have embraced remote work as a fundamental aspect of their professional lives. As of 2024, at least one million Filipinos are working outsourced jobs, contributing to 9% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). The industry is expected to reach $37.87 billion in revenue before the end of the year.

Since the 1990s, companies have recognized the benefits of business process outsourcing (BPO) and offshoring, especially as a cost-saving measure leveraging less expensive labor in developed countries. The Philippines is a significant player in this industry thanks to the following factors:

· Filipino’s English proficiency

· The large pool of skilled workers in various fields

· Lower labor and operational costs

· Government support

· Strategic geographical location

· Favorable business environment

Today the Philippines has become known for its strong presence in offshored customer service roles and back-office services. In 2024, the country’s information technology (IT) and business process management (BPM) industry created over 1.4 million jobs, and continues to generate over $29 billion in annual revenues.

The Philippines now services about 10-15% of the BPO market worldwide, and has over a million Filipino offshore staff. Filipino talent continues to be an attractive choice for businesses seeking offshore labor.

Competency of Filipino Talents in Various Fields

Offshoring Staffing

The Philippines, long recognized as the outsourcing capital of the world, continues to develop a skilled workforce renowned for its technical expertise, adaptability, and essential soft skills. Filipino talents have gained a global reputation for their competence across a wide range of fields.

· Customer Support

Filipinos are known for their top-notch communication skills, making them highly sought-after for customer support roles. In addition to their English proficiency, Filipino staff excel at customer support thanks to their hospitality and customer-centric approach, allowing them to cater to clients from diverse backgrounds.

· Information Technology (IT)

Another field where Filipinos stand out is IT. Filipino IT professionals have a proven background in computer science, programming, and software development. The education system in the Philippines also invests heavily in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects, contributing to the growth of a skilled and adaptive IT workforce.

· Accounting & Finance

Filipinos have also accumulated deep skills in the fields of accounting and financial services. The Philippines has about 200,000 certified public accountants (CPAs) who are continuously developing their competency through the continuing professional development (CPD) program.

Filipino CPAs are also well-versed in globally recognized accounting standards and guidelines, such as the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This expertise is crucial for multinational companies that need to maintain compliance across different jurisdictions.

Start Your Offshore Journey With EVES

The Philippines has firmly cemented itself as a global leader in offshore staffing and business process outsourcing. With a robust workforce proficient in a variety of business functions, Filipino talent continues attracting businesses of all sizes seeking relief from local inflationary wage pressures.

If you need offshoring support for your staffing needs, partner with Elite Virtual Employment Solutions (EVES).

EVES connects you with the Philippines’ top professionals, enabling you to assemble a high-performing team at budget-friendly rates. With our help, you can easily tap into a labor pool of top-tier talent from the Philippines and elevate your team’s performance through cost-effective offshore solutions.

Contact us at (747) 300-3234 or send an email to info@evesolutions.net.