Offshoring is a game-changer for many businesses worldwide. It has been observed that more than a third (37%) of small businesses outsource at least one business process to cut costs and overcome the difficulty of finding local talent. If you’re looking to scale your operations, offshoring offers the strategic advantages of gaining access to global talent and round-the-clock productivity at a dramatically lower cost of labor.

However, one of the biggest challenges of this arrangement is effectively managing a remote team. Distance, time zone differences, and cultural disparities can complicate team coordination. If you are offshoring or considering it, you need to address this concern to ensure that the direction your offshore team takes is aligned with your business objectives.

5 Tips for Managing an Offshore Team

Managing offshore teams requires diligent communication, structured processes, and proactive management. In this guide, we will explore ways you can control your operations and successfully manage your offshore staff with the support of Elite Virtual Employment Solutions (EVES).

1. Establish Structured Regular Check-Ins

One vital key to managing offshore staff is maintaining consistent and structured communication. Regular check-ins, whether through one-on-one sessions or team meetings, can help keep all team members aligned on the same page.

One-on-One Sessions: Scheduling regular one-on-one calls is necessary when onboarding remote employees. These may also be conducted as necessary to communicate personalized feedback, address individual concerns, or set clear expectations.

Team Calls: Critical for collaborative projects, team calls serve as a platform for discussing progress, brainstorming solutions, and fostering a sense of unity among team members.

Open Forums: These check-ins allow offshore staff to ask questions, seek guidance, and share their thoughts. Facilitating this openness ensures that your team feels supported and engaged, regardless of distance.

2. Leverage Communication & Collaboration Tools

Effective communication is the backbone of successful offshoring. It mitigates misunderstandings, fosters a collaborative environment, and bridges the gap created by physical distance.

However, enabling efficient collaboration is difficult without the right tools. Email by itself is insufficient to facilitate effective communication and collaboration in a working team. You have to invest in modern technology (software and hardware) to ensure seamless interaction between your onshore and offshore teams.

For our clients, EVES provides a suite of communication tools that enables seamless connectivity between you and your offshore team:

Zoom Account: Each remote staff member is provided with an EVES Zoom account, through which you can effortlessly reach them whenever needed. The Zoom account includes a US-based phone number.

Email Address: Powered by Microsoft 365, the EVES email address is a reliable tool for formal communication, document sharing, and maintaining professional correspondence.

While EVES provides these tools, you can use alternative communication platforms that better suit your organizational needs. The key is to ensure that the tools you choose are accessible, reliable, and used consistently across the team.

3. Set Clear Communication Rules

Communication rules provide guidance on when and how members reach out to colleagues or point persons. Establishing these rules ensures that instructions, information, updates, queries, or feedback are addressed promptly. These rules should cover the following:

Frequency and Timing: Decide how often you expect to communicate and at what times. This might vary depending on time zone differences, but clarity in this area prevents misunderstandings.

Preferred Methods: Whether you prefer emails, instant messaging, or video calls, make sure your offshore team knows the best way to reach you and vice versa.

Availability: Clearly define when you and your offshore staff should respond to queries or participate in meetings. This helps manage expectations and keeps everyone in sync.

Setting these communication rules encourages collaboration, reduces the risk of working in isolation, and ensures that information flows freely amongst your team. It also prevents improper delivery of information, thereby safeguarding company data from getting lost or stolen.

4. Onsite Management Team

Offshoring Staffing

Even with the best communication tools and practices, there might be instances where you need direct support from someone on the ground. This is where EVES’s onsite management team comes in.

EVES implements onsite staff deployment, giving your offshore team access to facilities like air-conditioned Western-standard offices with redundant 3Gb internet connections, all backed up by emergency generators. Onsite deployment also makes it easier for EVES to provide onsite management to your team.

The EVE’s onsite managers are always available to assist you and your team. Whether you need real-time updates, immediate problem resolution, or just someone to check in on the day-to-day activities of your offshore team, EVES has you covered.

Access to an onsite management team bridges the gap between you and your remote staff. With EVES, you have an oversight team that ensures your standards are maintained and your expectations are met.

5. Proactive Management and Continuous Improvement

Managing an offshore team is not a one-time setup; it’s an ongoing process. Regularly reviewing your communication practices, team performance, and overall workflow will help identify areas for improvement.

Feedback Loops: Establish feedback loops where your offshore staff can share their experiences and suggestions for better collaboration. Their insights are invaluable in refining your offshoring strategy.

Adapt and Evolve: As your business grows and evolves, so should your approach to managing offshore teams. Stay open to new tools, methods, and practices to enhance your remote operations.

Offshore with Confidence – Offshore with EVES

Taking control of your offshore staff involves more than just assigning tasks. It requires a deliberate approach to communication, a strong support system, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By following these guidelines and leveraging the expertise of EVES, you can ensure that your offshore team operates at its full potential, driving success for your business.

For expert advice or offshoring inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact EVES at